Sunday, December 10, 2006

2008 Highlander Toyo Tires All the bridge ...

who has come ...) Well, here are the pictures ... all to predict, as yesterday was to be of good cogorza, thanks in part to the wonderful sangria to prepare the super extreme!

This is before dinner, and then some went ... QUE FUERTE! There

time around, talking important issues like here,

jo, too bad I caught you, txurri! and also putting extreme romantic ... and rul first

marten and txini ...

And those two girls ... par excellence, jejeje

Well, pieces also comes ... also quite funny ;-) (without rancor ...) joe, president! I say the same thing to the president ... hahaha
LXC with tots els catalans I ... (at least those who were there around ...)

only occurs to me for this ... nanananananananananananana ... let me out!

I sertx's cousin ... Look at his face to look to the horizon .. (his, of course)

This is the picture that we took the girls I've said before byby, well one, because there were several ... jejeje

joer, I've caught the bad ...
and these are them, they are majic "?

good, and if the latter wants to Carla, who is the one commissioned to do the pictures ... Go

eyes, and will have nice smile!
I hope you have enjoyed this rephotographic step ... if you have any that you please put, or simply if you have photos that I have, pasadmelas Porfirian ...
Many kisses to you all.

Presa Canario Black Colour For Sale In Uk

Wear delay in updating the journal on 17 November was the parallel opening, and there were a time to make an appearance ...
I'll put a picture, in fact this post is going to be basically pictures, so hopefully I will not bore you ...
This is before entering the tent, went to eat sertx and I, and we find that this "pendejilla" at the height of her sari ... (then the faces were raving ...)

When you enter get together with my ex-future wife, and this is the result ;-)

(indeed, that such the opos, Sil?)
One with the lau family, sister, cuñaoooo ...

Now a couple to drool ... how beautiful the batuca!


Sunday, October 22, 2006

Funny Thing To Write In A Birthday Card

Jai! Friday I had dinner the first year class, have fun, and I hope there are many more ... minimum three ;-) We had dinner in The Servant, without more, almost as many asses me, but went to zuhaitza bien.Luego , to ... buffff, lots of time not going to that bar, comfortable, with the goat ... and keep doing the goat ... then went to the Traverse, but I went to house, and I think it would to go gray, but no ... I guess tomorrow I find out more details (if you remember) I will put some fotillo, but I hope I pass in order to apply for later.
Here we are all we went to dinner, although patxi not seen him either, because ... but it hid behind Adri

At dinner, Zaida, Ioana, Lara

Friday, September 29, 2006

Good Neji Sprites In A White Sheet luggage

26/04/1905 - A-odd

pm I'm still moved by what the analyst said yesterday.

Again: What's wrong with me and questions?

"Why do not you ask?"

Since last night I have unleashed a whirlwind in the head, and do not know ... I do not know where to start.

A memory came to me often: an evening of long ago, as a child, in my room that does not light came through the window, lying on my old bed of white pine boards.

remember I was lying, but awake. I could hear my parents fighting, and I covered with a blanket.

What I recall more clearly the time was that he was lying, though the sun was still high, and havesk I do not want anyone to know I do not know. No wonder because I want the answer come to me alone. No wonder I fear asking too much and annoy. No wonder I do not want to put more pressure on the relationship. (If you're stuck, compel, if it breaks, however had to change it.)

I want everything to come to me, explained and effortless. Enlighten someone else and gray areas that arise is to my liking. And if something is not to my taste, it is resolved soon. And by itself, or any other equivalent. Afraid to ask because the answer is on the other, but is also the one that comes to me and do what I want without asking. I want to learn by seeing, living, listening, not because I sometimes wonderor many doubts and I do not know what to ask.

I all ready answers, no words in between. Read my mind, I read yours. It's too much to ask, right?

Y. .. When do you ask? Who?

What should I ask? How?

I admit that I do not like asking for help, makes me feel dependent and do not like, but ... Is not this what I want, then?

"I will not listen, I will not talk / a weightless life / I'll moonwalk ..."

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Best Thing For Joints Back to school ...

Tomorrow I start school, and this weekend, as the last before the course say that I've taken a bit ... On Thursday I went to parties with my cousin Zizur of Lasai but comfortable.
On Friday I went with my ex-sister also to Zizur future, and there we met with the lau, the arena ... and a lot of people. I was with my Cuadri as always, and always crowded ... basketball, cole from when I was little ...
On Saturday, I had to write Tudela match was a friendly match between the TAU and the CAI Zaragoza, won the TAU as expected ... at first igualadillo, but then stayed for a little bit ... Not decaffeinated was Scola (first thing I saw upon entering) and was not Erdogan and Splitter, but ... there went by Sergio Vidal, Paul PriggioC Another child, a colleague Iriarte pepe ... hope coments! Jejeje

the Lau, a "monstruilla" ... to get it right?? Jejeje

Saturday And we afternoon ... I'm going to put these pictures in a row or I'll repeat a bit ...
First with Lescano, then the Pears also wanted to take picture with me, so envy Priggioni had also let you make a picture conmi, and last but not least ... Sergio Vidal

Have you noticed how I grab all? hehe, if ...
I hope you like them, and that you do very well all week, which requires less for Friday again! and nowless and less

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Mount And Blade Scottish Mod

Crema Catalana, Mendes, the blonde, Tudela was present by dani, Tito Sertx, Mister, Cris, Lau, Txutxo, Ruther, Elqa, my future ex-sister, my parent and Uruguayan fashion ... jejeje Gifts:
good, had everything, earrings (three pairs), two necklaces, a bracelet, a purse, box super beautiful handmade, a sweatshirt, two greeting cards ... "likes eating celebration on, a pillow for the bathtub, a super mega car radio, and perhaps, the least expensive (as expensive, but not how much it costs), but it thrilled me very many hjzo bracelet is a master ... it takes all night, and I came to offer a car parking space for him, and I rejected the offer because, as was logical, nor going to waste the radio ... hehehe
Wednesday also gave me a Menorca (or Ibiza, it depends who says it) a super cool shorts, a dozen roses, a cow and a string of stars ...
bua! that a good night to ... thank goodness, because if not equal in a little tight, but in the street ... bufffffffff Then we went to Pamplona and we got together with more friends, and this was a bit on Saturday .. . I'm going to put some photic, of which I have, but if anyone has any more ... I sent it and will try to. I'm about to tell Elqa, to leave the basketball, and engaged in camisetacesto ... because you need to have aim ...!!!

I here,my "only" friend, or my "friends only" and Lau With Cris ...

With soloists router ...

Part of the group ... Look at the super bracelet I wear! jejeje

And finally one of you guys ...

That we all handsome and pretty! I hope people would have gone well ... classes begin on Thursday and I'm a lazy ... but hey, eating and scratching ... so, this is the time to! Many
besitossssssss and thank you very much to those who did because this was one of the best meet so far ... if not the best, you all thank you very much!

Thursday, September 7, 2006

Scabies Treatmentfurn Once upon a time ...

on three, but I hope you like ...

girls team ...
Now that bite ... hehehe

It is a little blurry .... sorry, I have to admit that I did. .. :-S
Both teams ...

the moment these are out there. CHTMMany kisses to todossssssss XC

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Max Dirt Bike 2 Level 21 ...

A kiosk afternoon, at night the prosi and I went out there, Pamplona, there was not much atmosphere, but something had ... have fun and get together with good people ;-)
FRIDAY 11/08/2006:
Tomorrow sleep and relax ... late at night, dinner in good company, in the Samrock, very rich, if somewhat expensive ...
SATURDAY 12/08/2006:
sleep Tomorrow, noon kiosk night ... dinner at prosi and dani, co
PC / PD / PS...con momentillos of downturn, but a good weekend long, but for me it started on Thursday!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Laser Tag Near Valdosta

Good, long ago, both elqa as monchevere (well, I tried but unsuccessfully) questions posed here for others, Both musical tastes ... last night, I was thinking (seriously, every in a while ...) as does the word friendship, which should mean, and practice everyone gives to this word. I would like your help to reach a conclusion.
Thanks in advance ...

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Baby Lock Jewel Michigan

defumar and ... finally got on 13, after all sanfermines want to go to the Targets, I had a great time, and 14 repeat targets, and also I met with my country and my aunt invited us to the Mañueta churros .. . uhmmmmmmm the afternoon to cross the square dance ... mu comfortable ranchero!

Thanks to all of you who have come to see me, I was thrilled, I dub but if I forget someone, please, do not be angry ...

to dani, laura, Montxo, iñaki, xabi, Alberto, Roberto, Sergio, pere, cesc, xenia, toni, laia, marc ... German, Maiale, Josue, patxi, javi (CUERPOSSS!!) aingeru, Christian, Robert, borja, luis S., immature, their sisters, Anuska, elena, lourdes, amaia, marten, juring, dori, lourdes, Goizeder, yoli, Nanes, Angels, immature, paco, juan andres, tijo, German, alejandra, pilukams, carmen, monica ... and everyone else that vinierais many thanks!!

Sunday, July 2, 2006

Post Shower Dizziness Events ...

I started working at a factory through a temp agency, and I'm checking it is to be exploited to stop ... but hey, it's only until Wednesday, and I serve as an experience to put in the curriculum, not much, but now I can put "I've worked factory worker" and little else, who on Wednesday also of naranjito start with ... that if you do not know the San Fermin festival begins on Thursday ...:- P so we'll see, right?
BESITOS A TOD @ S (although the @ do not like ... because it means masc / fem...pero is the same!)

Monday, June 5, 2006

Aching Legs And Pelvic

This is in the BY and BY, with one of the waiters at the Ona, C / San Gregorio (txupitos good, if you go I will recommend the Ona, though not always, I will make an equally good) and a

And here my "asshole" movie (all in love) with them than me ...

Sunday: Sleep, eat, relax ... generally hack around:-P PD Lau, you and me the best!! PD
Maradona, not just anybody is a man attached to a leather ball, is the heavenly gift of treating the ball well, is a warrior ...

Fotos De Mulheres Nuas

And here is the picture the best team of female basketball Navarra!

Shit! that we are not so small ... I think that's the name ... (bmp)
'll try to change, but for now ... Besitosssss

Thursday, June 1, 2006

Exact Dimensions Of Dvd Case Cover Barakaldo Review

Today lists out the fit of the entrance examination to higher degree of Barakaldo. We
lot of class, and among the fittest, that's me! Congratulate myself. The pity is that people appreciate, and also deserve approval, has been in the unfit, and others who might not deserve them both, have been approved.
But anyway, made me very excited, this week is going pretty well ... to see if it continues, and tomorrow naranjito lists places that I have taken, and also a good Time .. . Besitosssss

How To Fake Community Service Hours 13-12-2005

Aryan, I suppose), so I saw them as war diplomacy 'arréglatelas with whom you can'. What metaphor so apt to find in the trenches of public attention. Day

loose, as I said. My workstation was not online, so watch how the experts handle, or rather, the sen-pai. I even end
Leaks Parallel, excellent book (and do not say that the author is a friend of the house), award-winning novel that eluded me for months. (Maybe the blackfin à, published excerpts.)

speak of 'day', but really I mean the hours between 1530 and 2130. Or to be more faithful to reality, from 4 pm to 9 pm. I figured I already thrown the world into eleven at night, horto-end mall. But no, today I leave at 8, it seems that we do not play as much as the real force us grunts of the business, the real foot soldiers chest-to-earth for the customer: l @ s @ s. taquiller Caraj is @ s @ s are wonderful! How many of them reach managerial positions?
(and if we do, how many of the white-collar-paper-pushers to get temporary management positions? Have to see the overwhelming amount of people using the bench.)

A friend of the links (not of golf) also found a job in bank data processing. Both he and I are from areas other than banking. And frankly I do not see myself living like that, when my heart is elsewhere. And I suppose that it, too.Nothing so little creative to fill out forms.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Black Hair For Pale Skin And Blue Eyes

I just saw in a previous post, I wrote about the song of the Koala, I'm tired of hearing it, it's funny and all, but after having heard the plan versions BOB, Nirvana, or Metallica ... is not the same, similar happens to Laura, I much prefer the version of "The fuckiness" is good quality, I will recommend it from here, the you can hear on YouTube, but if you want to complicate you, come on page [info] elqa

Ah! I forgot. On May 16, Osasuna achieved a feat to achieve qualification for the Champions, good for the prior, but never playedthis type of competition, so we were there to celebrate ... The penalty was that he had exams the next day and could not enjoy it as I would have liked, but well ... I will celebrate when you pass the pre ;-)


Tuesday, May 30, 2006

How Large Is Mandingo syncopated style!

Thursday of last week, way to the office, I crossed two levels of the CCCT, which is part of my daily routine. The unusual thing was to make it to the beat of instrumental "krupa" in apollo440. Without missing a beat, a sixth-minute-long track, had already left by the end that faces chacao-pausing for air. Six minutes to cross the CCCT to the rhythm of Krupa. "Yeah, yeah!"

What Happens If You Drink Epsom Salts test pieces. One's life is another reality show

... Programs like Mark Burnett, the reality is filtered and confined at the time preparing to move to paper or screen.
directly reflect reality it is almost a documentary, but it is imperative to give meaning to both raw-feed. And I want this set of texts is raw-feed: texts without context. I refuse to contemplate the navel in public. > Continue.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

How Does A Brain Aneurysm Strike

it reads fast, but not easy. It's a claustrophobic reading, descriptions of a city where nobody dies for a year and millions of people from all over invade the space for a bit of immortality. We see it all starts with an event that appears in the press, then fury, first in the city, then nationwide, then worldwide. We read how unbalancing all relations: economic, social, moral, emotional, etc., see how everything goes into a tailspin: the transportation, government, electricity, private property, hygiene, well, everything. except maybe the human spirit. and finally, the illusion of those who came to the city did not save any that you have reached your time, leaving behind a city destroyed by

How To Fake Community Service Hours School

I've been accused many times of living in my own world. The truth is that even when I'm alone I let myself live in my own world.

Wednesday, March 8, 2006

Senior Week House Ocean City 23/02/06

Do not know what they're missing.
- would change the face of the Escape, Freestyle and more.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Two Crossed Arrows Mark 8:06 PM 2/20/06 shitting fire

Fucked up! I gave my first card, following the electronic voting, but when you reach the "paper path," I did not know what to do. Apart from that, the printer ribbon broke card (first card delivered!), And the client claimed that the card did not work after delivery. I was told the cards were active immediately, so that would lead to the cancellation and destruction of the card in question, which brings more paper procedures, who do not remember. Remembered that, in some cases the cards are not activated until after 24 hours ... I hope it works.
Other than that, I had to mend the delicate ribbon with plastic tape. And yet the tape and the machine, and everything is new, ex

Kidney Disease Palpitations

2/20/06 5:46 PM few days ago I deleted all personal files from the computer from which I write. Yes, the office. I do not know that was what I lost, or had old or backup copies on my home computer. I only know that the incident only caused a slight upset me not finding my files there, but nothing beyond or more widespread than that. "That's what I get for leaving files on the office computer," he said, unconvinced.
Finally, with almost insane pace of those days, had little time to continue writing, or reading the texts he had brought to read on the machine. Including the Kybalion, converted to Word (edited, I would say.)

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Fix Damaged Ds Cartridges

and ... I went ...
and I run, almost encloquecido, his hand tired of shedding required words ...
fled east, to the shelter of the blue and white mind.
only you can reach me with your hand.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Online Masterbation Games

I came to the office later, after fighting with the elevator of the parking lot, we went (me and my girlfriend) and dropped three times before we get where we wanted.
Arriving at the office, and say goodbye wamba, the first thing I see is an office full of people. Tails like day fortnight. I guess many people are paid weekly.
I arrive at my station and sit down. The operating system will not let me go, says "my user", ie password, or I, have been blocked. As it is not the first time it happens (and as not an excuse for me to go home), I resolved the issue myself for a second time (yes, the second time it happens.)
While my 'session' booted, watched inside again the futility of having gone to work today. Istobacco having a splendid day, which may count or not. And I had to interrupt it, as I stopped doing many things, to come to work today. Okay, I give money and a computer where I write this (and devised a number of other things.) But the job is not complete. I've spent three months occupying a position in a project that should have begun to work 100% in January. And it's still 50%, which means long dead. Clearly, given time to read (which upset some) ... and reading, and writing ...
Returning to today, just minutes after sitting in the chair, I begin to nod. Sleep. To not end up lying face on the keyboard (and the sight of all the people passing by the office, which are muuchos), took emergency measures and went to the bathroom, to sleep sitting on the toilet.
guess I spent between 15 minutes and half an hour on that. Salgo, still sleepy, spend a few minutes at the desk, and I'll get by Diet Coke (caffeine, cha cha cha). In the convenience store, all sounded and looked almost twice the normal speed, everything is perceived sharper. It is somewhat difficult to explain, and I perceive for the first time. Party as being a ghost in a world where everything happens quickly. It is rough because nobody sees you.
Then several people chose to help with the management of the ATM. Too fast or complicated, they say, and there is always a tinge of desperation to get that money. The new security measures involve being fast with thehand and mind, and asked why only the last two digits of the card, in a move that reflected in these figures mark and press the button that tells the screen. And many just step on the button. Or do nothing. There was a lady
quite pessimistic, which I had to impose in order to obtain their money. And after explaining live and direct the proceedings, withdrew with an attitude of "that I can not do and I am resigned to it." Finally, there is less to my training.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Navigo Découverte Cdg The inner child

"I want a Nintendo 64 to play mario kart, mario golf, mario party, starfox, killer instinct 2 ... and to play psone v rally 2 and no more ... I remember and want to play katamari! I guess to that needed to xbox.
ps2 = sucky. "I want a bike

Friday, February 3, 2006

Neji Sprites In White Sheet

Following the stream initiated by Anna on her blog, here are the great songs of Dunlendings. In no particular order as they occur to me

1. Friday I'm in Love - The Cure
2. Theology / Civilization - Basil Poleduris BSO Conan
3. Born To Run - Bruce Springsteen
4. Rain - Cowboy Bebop OST
5. Real Heat - Denali
6. Parade - Garbage
7. Come on - The Levellers
8. Sidi H'Bibi - Mano Negra
9. Samhain - Heather Alexander
10. La del Pirata Cojo - Joaquin Sabina
11. Bend and Break - Keane
12. How You Remind Me - Nickelback
13. Death is Not the End - Nick Cave, Kylie Minogue, Shane MacGowan and Spider Stacy
14. Stairway to Heaven - The Leningrad Cowb