Saturday, June 26, 2010
Alabama Football Party Unmei.
all I can say about it (to keep you in suspence XDDD) is that Ichigo is gone, and Isshin Orihime is a model ... a grandmother! XDDDD
Saturday, June 19, 2010
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He was baptized on June 26 at the baptismal font of the church of St. Peter the Apostle in Reus, archbishop of Tarragona, Joan Casas (priest and vicar of the church in question .)
Antoni, the couple's fifth child, was to live m &C
La Casa Calvet is located at 48 de la Calle Caspe Barcelona and consists of basement, ground floor, four floors and roof to the Catalan.
According César Martinell, textile manufacturers Hijos de Pedro Martir Calvet commissioned Antoni Gaudí's building based on "the guarantee of success and modernity [Gaudi] represented "and perhaps also influenced by the affinity of political ideas with Eduard Calvet, who was a militant in theCatalan Catalan Solidarity MLXC storge (1889-1893)
In late 1886 a fire completely destroyed the Episcopal Palace of Astorga. As this population had no diocesan architect, Bishop Grau decided to ask his friend Gaudí building a new episcopal seat right next to the Cathedral, over the wall.
The relationship between Grau and Gaudí began years earlier when the bishop, to be Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Tarragona, opened the chapel, altar designed by Gaudi, the Jes & Collegediscord "to have buildings of different architectural styles.
At first the owner, Mr. Josep Batlló, wanted to demolish the building, which in 1901 requested permission from the City of Barcelona. But in May 1904 made a new request asking for the complete renovation of your home.
Friday, June 11, 2010
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I came home almost 2 months ago / I was retained a week for the damn volcano / I made friends I did my internship here in the South / Win an Oscar / I have been offered jobs where I made practices / took ill a week with flu / start work on Tuesday / glasses I have fixed / Maga took out a new album / I have wanted to go to the beach because I'm white milky / Today again eat meatballs in my house / I saw the number of Spartaco / Invaders Bikini touch the 16 or 18 / I have sleep / I spent Dead Red Redemption and Alan Wake / FFXIII sucks! / The Black Kids are cool mil / Adargoma I like him / I want to start sport / I like to take pictures / I hacer hiking / I get along better with my mother / Nidia was the birthday ^ _ ^ / tb Rebecca / on Juliany much mass that was not / I was at a dinner at the home of Roberto in the songs adas / I'm happy and life goes on ...
... and graduated
Monday, June 7, 2010
Looking For Extras In Chicago RENZO PIANO
(Genoa, 1937) Italian architect. Renzo Piano was born on September 14, 1937 in Genoa (Italy), in a wealthy family construction business.
After the defeat to Italy that led to its participation in World War II, his childhood was overshadowed by the decline and postwar shortages. Would have to wait for the fifties for the country, especially northern cities such as Thousand &UNESCO Goodwill for Architecture.
1995 Praemium Imperiale .
1998 Pritzker Architecture Prize
. 2002 Gold Medal of the UIA.
The Pompidou Centre is the name most commonly used to refer to the National Center for Art and Culture Georges Pompidou, Paris (France) designed by the then young architects Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers. It was inaugurated on January 31, 1977. It is also a building that houses a library with ar Renzo Piano in Brooklyn, New York City.
"The architect is always looking for Atlantis " When you're with a new project always remember a solution adopted in the past, a bug that prevent ... "
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Nys Unemployement Forget To File FINAL chapter of Tsubasa de mi fic
around 9 Capistrano XD is one of my early work two years ago noticing the type of story if you compare to how I write now, I arranged a little, but ... I'm not good at it to re-write this fic XD
has a second part (which is only in my mind, but scored around ... I have so many books and stuff XD) to be written in the near future XD
good, I can only say that I hope you like:
Title: The gift of travel by the dimensions
Category: Tsubasa Chronicle
Chapter 9 Title: The order in the country
Water Words: 3.279
Genre (s): Adventure / Family
Rating: Rated: K
Summary: Chapter 9: FINAL! The fight ends and Akiko Fenz
talk to your brother. Final attempt to CLAMP's style XD dedicated to Kobato-chan for being great fans of these fabulous
and great girls.
URL: / s/5120649/1 /
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Smoke Detector Short Circuit Water Leaked Our Jose Garcia Bryce
How was your experience at Harvard?
The architect told us that he had asked for a scholarship to Columbia because there taught one of the best architect at the time but you dieor scholarship to Harvard noror was negligible
also taught at the prestigious Yale University, art history, nineteenth century
How do you see the future of Peruvian architecture?
How old realized he wanted to study architecture?
We replied that since he liked to draw school bldgto you a project.
for you What is architecture?
"is that through which I have a connection with life"
for you What is the project?
"traficación Is, is elab
Toilet Does Not Vacuum The Project
think when we talk about a project? many in the kind of introduction to the architecture responded that a project is a system, another one cosets of ideas that solve problems, another solution to a problem defined on whether the architectural project for me is the last thing I wrote a solution for a problem set,
That is a project?
In the field of architecture, Architectural is the set of plans, drawings, diagrams and explanatory texts used to translate (paper, digital, model or other means of representation n) design orna edification, before being built. In a broader concept, the complete architectural design includes the development of a building, distribution of uses and spaces, how to use materials and technologies, and the elaboration n the set of plans, details and perspectives.
Because a project is responsible to see the man as a target, because this is a goal that every architect should care before any building made famous by a project looking for problem to end it and create a cleaner environment for la person usually these projects stem from poverty.
is where the architect must begin a pede not change all people's homes in a neighborhood anyone but can improve the environment when people see their environment change the same people can change.
Such was the case in medellin