caught my attention this architect had his way of thinking revolutionary ideas very, very few people understood what was so into debt and even so working on their projects and ambitions to build famous buildings all over the world such as the "National Assembly Dahka in bangladesh"
, & nbp;

sentimenal he was ragged and very irresponsible, had three families but the main consisted of his wife Esther who was with him until his last day, the second was was made by one of his companions &; About girls, were working tbm Anne Tyng that helped him in one of its projects and the latter with Harriet Pattison who bore the same Nathaniel Kahn made the documentary that made us see our teachers.
Here 's a small phrase that I saw in the film which caught my attention:
"What matters is the quality not quantity
" You must do honor to the material you use
-Take charge against adversity.
Some things about Louis
Work with Paul P. Cret (1929-1930) and Zantzinger, Boire and Medary (1930-191932). Later he traveled to Europe. In 1937 he opened his own studio in Philadelphia and a company at the early \\ '40s, with George Howe, one of the pioneers of modern architecture and the international style in the U.S. A year later, will join Oscar Stonorow study. After the Great Depression that occurred that year organized a group of 30 architects and engineers to stop with those who do studies on new building systems and housing developments in order to eliminate slums . During these years of crisis devote great efforts to theorize about the workers' housingondition) and served spaces (laboratories and research), in which Kahn was inspired to compose an impressive building where the mural towers, medieval-looking, in contrast to the glazed spaces of modernity more stringent. His other major works are the Alfred Newton Richards Medical Research Building, University of Pennsylvania (1957-1961), the Salk Institute in La Jolla (California, 1959-1965) in which supply mezzanine systems beneath of offices facilitate the progress of work, the Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth (Texas, 1967-1972) in collaboration with Gerne Preston and Associates and the entire Capitol Dhaka (early 1960), the new capitalBangla Desh, the crowd were united urban projects, which were conducted between 1973 and 1976. Kahn conceived the Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (1962-1967) as a compact and closed strong, which can be seen clearly the theme of \\ "the house inside the house \\", so dear to Kahn.
Salk Institute in La Jolla (California, 1965)
The entire Capitol Dhaka (early 1960), the new capital of Bangla Desh
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